Hz #19

In the latest issue of Fylkingen’s journal Hz you will find an article of mine, Electronic music archives in the collection of The Swedish Performing Arts Agency. It is a translation from the Swedish original (which contains a few more pictures) from Dokumenterat no. 45. This text supersedes my earlier post on Swedish EAM archives, although the latter has some additional info.

Thanks to Sachiko Hayashi, the editor of Hz, who also contributes an article to this issue, A brief historical overview of Fylkingen’s journals. Thanks also to Isabel Thomson, who checked the translation.

The other articles in Hz #19 are:

Some sound art papers

The papers from the Sound Art Theories Symposium 2011 papers are now available. For those interested in digital archiving, David Grubbs’ paper “‘Remove the Records from Texas’: Parsing Online Archives” discusses two “very different kinds of online archives”, UbuWeb and DRAM (the acronym stands for Database of Recorded American Music, but the archive holds works from other countries as well).

More radio and sound art

Here are some assorted links mostly related to radio and sound art:

And now for something completely different:

New proceedings online

7th Sound and Music Computing Conference
The papers presented at the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference that took place at the UPF from the 21st to the 24th on July 2010 are now online at http://smcnetwork.org/resources/smc2010. The papers have been published on the smcnetwork.org website under a Creative Commons license.

Interactive Sonification workshop – ISon 2010
The proceedings of the Interactive Sonification workshop – ISon 2010 are now available on-line at http://www.interactive-sonification.org/ISon2010/proceedings/. The proceedings are licensed as an Open Access publication.

Öra för ljud i SvD

A post in Swedish about some sound-related articles in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

SvD har nyligen haft en liten artikelserie om ljud och musik under rubriken Öra för ljud:

  1. Med sikte på musikens minsta beståndsdelar – Erik Bergqvist om Gunnar Buchts Quid est tonus?
  2. På spaning efter de ljud som flytt – Jesper Olsson om ljudinspelning och minne
  3. Upptäcktsfärd bland oönskade surr och klick – Fredrik Stahlénius om ljudtvätt och brus

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