Soundscape: support to health

I’ve previously mentioned two Swedish research initiatives on soundscapes and acoustic ecology, Urban Sound Institute and The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University.

There is also another somewhat similiar research programme, Soundscape: support to health (Ljudlanskap för bättre hälsa), which has an associated website with an introduction to acoustics, measurement and perception of noise, focused on health aspects. The introduction is in Swedish only, except for a course in engineering acoustics. An interesting twist is that the text is available in three versions: for curious people (nyfikna), for users (användare), i.e. architects, civil servants etc., and for specialists.

Öra för ljud i SvD

A post in Swedish about some sound-related articles in the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

SvD har nyligen haft en liten artikelserie om ljud och musik under rubriken Öra för ljud:

  1. Med sikte på musikens minsta beståndsdelar – Erik Bergqvist om Gunnar Buchts Quid est tonus?
  2. På spaning efter de ljud som flytt – Jesper Olsson om ljudinspelning och minne
  3. Upptäcktsfärd bland oönskade surr och klick – Fredrik Stahlénius om ljudtvätt och brus

Det finns mer information och länkar till äldre artiklar i understrecket-bloggen.

EAM in DDM-online

One can find quite a few dissertations on electroacoustic music at Doctoral dissertations in musicology-online. The index is searchable by keyword or classification. It is possible to use * as a wildcard, though only at the end of strings. A search for “electro*” yields 53 items, most of them relevant, while a search for items classified as “71ek*”, i.e. twentieth century (7) – historical musicology (1) – electronic music (ek), lists 36 dissertations. ISBN:s are given for published works, and dissertations in progress are listed and asterisked. There are also instructions for submission of your own dissertation or topic.